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PressForward Joins Forces with OpenEdition

“I’m pleased to announce a new part­ner­ship between Press­For­ward and OpenEdi­tion. Press­For­ward is the Roy Rosen­zweig Cen­ter for His­tory and New Media’s project to study and pro­duce alter­na­tive means schol­arly com­mu­ni­ca­tion. OpenEdi­tion, led by the Cen­tre for Open Elec­tronic Pub­lish­ing in Mar­seille, shares many of the same goals but on a much larger scale: it seeks to develop a sus­tain­able dig­i­tal plat­form for pub­lish­ing schol­arly con­tent and will be sup­ported over eight years by a 7 mil­lion euro grant funded by the French Higher Edu­ca­tion and Research Min­istry. Our role at RRCHNM will be to develop and sup­port PressForward’s mul­ti­lin­gual inte­gra­tion into OpenEditions’s over­all platform. “


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cléoradar (6 mars 2012). PressForward Joins Forces with OpenEdition. Cléo Radar. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse