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DSPL: Dataset Publishing Language – Google Code

“DSPL is the Dataset Publishing Language, a representation language for the data and metadata of datasets. Datasets described in this format can be processed by Google and visualized in the Google Public Data Explorer.

* Use existing data: Just add an XML metadata file to your existing CSV data files
* Powerful visualizations: Unleash the full capabilities of the Google Public Data Explorer, including the animated bar chart, motion chart, and map visualization
* Linkable concepts: Link to concepts in other datasets or create your own that others can use
* Multi-language: Create datasets with metadata in any combination of languages
* Geo-enabled: Make your data mappable by adding latitude and longitude data to your concept definitions. For even easier mapping, link to Google’s canonical geographic concepts.
* Fully open: Freely use the DSPL format in your own applications


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cléoradar (8 avril 2011). DSPL: Dataset Publishing Language – Google Code. Cléo Radar. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse