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Mendeley’s research catalog is now wikified! Come help us organize the world’s research.

This week’s update could be the start of something big. At Mendeley, we know that as you read, annotate, share, and organize research documents, your knowledge and expertise is encoded in your collection. Decisions such as what groups a paper belongs in, what tags are meaningful for a paper, and whether or not you’ve read the paper through to the end are all important signals about how important a given paper is and how it’s related to others. Our mission at Mendeley is to help you leverage this latent information to more effectively organize, share, and discover research. Today, we’ve taken an important step in this process by using tags to group related documents and groups together, and we’ve also added a wiki-like page for each tag to describe the concept the tag represents and to link to related concepts. Intrigued?

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cléoradar (13 mai 2011). Mendeley’s research catalog is now wikified! Come help us organize the world’s research. Cléo Radar. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse