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What Can Publishers Learn from Indie Rock? « The Scholarly Kitchen

“Over the last few years, I’ve been buying more music on vinyl than I have since, well, ever. I realize this is a bit anachronistic. I’m not one of those audiophile types who go on and on about how much better music sounds on vinyl. I do think it sounds a bit warmer but really to my ears it is not that big a difference. Mainly I buy vinyl because I enjoy the whole experience of the record.”


Don’t Shout Too Loud, Amazon Might Hear | Publishing Perspectives

“Dallas-based startup BookShout, which is backed by book distribution company Ingram Content Group’s CEO John R. Ingram, is doing something that may make Amazon and Barnes & Noble mad: it is importing books that customers have purchased on Nook and Kindle into its own Android, iOS and web apps.”


Interview with Richard Price, CEO | Information Culture, Scientific American Blog Network

“This post is a bit different from what Bonnie and I usually post in this blog – an interview with Dr. Richard Price, founder and CEO of, a social network for researchers. is a San Francisco-based start-up, which currently has 1.8 million registered users and 4.5 million unique visitors a month, with about 4,000 new users registering every day.  In August 2012, the site added an analytical dashboard, which supplies researchers with various statistics such as the number of profile views, number of paper downloads, and so forth.”


Three things open access is not | Scholarly Communications @ Duke

“Lots of news stories and emails flying around about open access in the past few weeks, and as I tried to think what theme might bring them together, I realized that I wanted to talk about three things that open access is not.  Here they are:

First, open access is not more prone to abuse than other types of publishing.  We hear a lot about “predatory” open access journals, and recently we have also heard a lot about fraud and retracted articles from traditional journals.  We need to connect the dots and realize that both systems can be abused, just as all systems devised by human agents can be.”


The New Supply Chain and Its Implications for Books in Libraries (EDUCAUSE Review) |

“Over the past decade or more, academic libraries have become increasingly sophisticated in managing their workflow, ingesting huge amounts of content with relatively low administrative costs as they struggled with the growth in the quantity of scholarly publications and the tightening vise of budget contractions. A relatively new innovation in this collection building is patron-driven acquisitions, familiarly known as PDA, which has now moved from the experimental stage into a more central part of the practices of many libraries.”


Clarification of the new open-access policy at the Research Councils UK (RCUK)

On July 25, 2012, I had a long, helpful phone conversation with Mark Thorley, convenor of the RCUK Research Outputs Network (RON), the group responsible for developing and implementing the RCUK Open Access policy.

I initially contacted him to talk about what I took to be important differences between the new RCUK policy and the Finch recommendations , especially on (1) embargoes, (2) open licenses, and (3) the role of green OA. I knew that the RCUK disbursed public funds but was independent of the government. I wanted to learn more about that independence, and in particular whether the RCUK felt free to depart from the Finch recommendations, especially after David Willetts, the UK Minister of State for Universities and Science, accepted all the major Finch recommendations on behalf of the UK government.


JISC Open Biblio 2 project – final report

Following on from the success of the first JISC Open Bibliography project we have now completed a further year of development and advocacy as part of the JISC Discovery programme.

Our stated aims at the beginning of the second year of development were to show our community (namely all those interested in furthering the cause of Open via bibliographic data, including: coders; academics; those with interest in supporting Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums; etc) what we are missing if we do not commit to Open Bibliography, and to show that Open Bibliography is a fundamental requirement of a community committed to discovery and dissemination of ideas. We intended to do this by demonstrating the value of carefully managed metadata collections of particular interest to individuals and small groups, thus realising the potential of the open access to large collections of metadata we now enjoy.


Humanities left behind in the dash for open access

About this time last year, open access had apparently come of age. According to a study published in the journal PloS One, freely accessible publishing had passed from an early experimental phase into a period of consolidation, with the number of papers showing steady growth. The model had been shown to work.


New and exciting kid on the block: PeerJ | A Blog Around The Clock, Scientific American Blog Network

“As many of you know, before accepting a job at Scientific American, I worked at PLoS for three years (and became a vocal Open Access Evangelist even before that). While there, I worked closely with Pete Binfield who replaced Chris Surridge as managing editor of PLoS ONE shortly after my arrival there. Pete and I became friends, bumped into each other at meetings, he came to ScienceOnline at least a couple of times, and we remained in frequent contact after my move.”
