Catégorie : Veille de Jean-Baptiste Bertrand
Orcid : Open Researcher and Contributor ID
500 Internal Server Error
500 Internal Server Error
A Practical Guide to Implementing Onix
DSPL: Dataset Publishing Language
DSPL is the Dataset Publishing Language, a representation language for the data and metadata of datasets. Datasets described in this format can be processed by Google and visualized in the Google Public Data Explorer.
Multilingual Zotero
Plugin expérimental, permettant de gérer les métadonnées multilingues dans Zotero (translittérations des noms d’auteurs, traductions des titres et résumés, etc.). A terme, sa version stable sera intégrée par défaut dans Zotero.
“A suite of tools that makes it ridiculously simple for anyone to copy and paste the correct attribution for any CC licensed work.”
Zotero Standalone
« We are excited to announce the first alpha release of Zotero Standalone, a new version of Zotero that runs as its own application on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. »
Test de Diaspora, et ouverture du réseau à tous !
NISO IOTA Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics
«IOTA is an initiative that makes use of log files from various institutions and vendors to analyze element frequency and patterns contained within OpenURL strings.
The reports created from this analysis inform vendors about where to make improvements to their OpenURL strings so that the maximum number of OpenURL requests resolve to a correct record.»