ProtoFluid est une application en ligne permettant véritablement d'émuler l'affichage de votre site web – ou d'une url locale – sur divers terminaux mobiles et pas uniquement de modifier sa taille.
Catégorie : Veille de Pierre-Alain Mignot
HTML5 Demos and Examples
HTML 5 experimentation and demos
Le ballot-screen fait reculer IE sous les 50% en France
C'est en France qu'au niveau européen les conséquences de l'introduction du ballot-screen pour Windows sont les plus significatives. IE perd des parts de marché au profit de ses concurrents, et passe sous les 50%.
Yauba – Le premier moteur de recherche au monde qui respecte votre vie privée
Moteur de recherche anonyme
Ixquick Métarecherche
Méta moteur de recherche anonyme
OpenWebReader timeline
OpenWebReader – Wiki
Trac Timeline
an HTML5 offline image editor and uploader application
Firefox 3.6 offers many new Open Web features to web developers, including even more HTML5 support. This post describes how to create a sophisticated image editor and uploader built using Open Web technologies.
Google Phasing Out Support For IE6 in 2010
BBC News reports: Google has begun to phase out support for Internet Explorer 6, the browser identified as the weak link in a "sophisticated and targeted" cyber attack on the search engine. The firm said from 1 March some of its services, such as Google Docs, would not work "properly" with the browser. It recommended individuals and firms upgrade "as soon as possible".
OpenWebReader – A free Multi-user Web-based Feed aggregator
OpenWebReader is a PHP5, multi-user feed aggregator. It is designed for becoming a RIA and uses AJAX technology as main rich interface amplifyer.
OpenWebReader is a free software.
Introduction to HTML 5
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what’s coming down the pipeline but haven’t had time to read any articles yet? I’ve put put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of the new standard