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Mois : juin 2009
OPDS – openpub – Google Code
This document describes the Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) an application of the Atom Syndication Format intended to enable content creators and distributors to distribute digital books via a simple catalog format. This format is designed works interoperably across multiple desktop and device software programs for acquiring and consuming eBooks ("Reading Systems"). The focus of this document is to outline the requirements for preparing catalogs for use by compatible Reading Systems; formal compliance requirements for Reading Systems will be documented elsewhere. This application of Atom was initially defined and implemented by Lexcycle for the Stanza application.
Les limites du crowdsourcing [signalement] – Du bruit au signal (et inversement)
Il constate qu'une grande partie des contenus générés par les utilisateurs (notes, commentaires, tags, envois dans un groupe) sur une photographie proposée par la Library of Congress dans le cadre du projet The Commons sont sans intérêt. La plupart des notes par exemple sont anodines ou constituent des plaisanteries ; aucune n'apporte d'information historique. Le "bruit" est également très présent dans les commentaires et les tags ajoutés. Au final, Larry regrette que les rares informations valables générées par les utilisateurs soient noyées dans une masse de textes inintéressants et que l'extraction de ces pépites demande beaucoup de temps.
Un livre : Search User Interfaces
To make this book available to as many readers as possible, the author, with permission of Cambridge University Press, has placed the full text online free of charge. See the terms of service on the right.
Read It: Search User Interfaces
Search is an integral part of peoples' online lives; people turn to search engines for help with a wide range of needs and desires, from satisfying idle curiousity to finding life-saving health remedies, from learning about medieval art history to finding video game solutions and pop music lyrics. Web search engines are now the second most frequently used online computer application, after email. Not long ago, most software applications did not contain a search module. Today, search is fully integrated into operating systems and is viewed as an essential part of most information systems.
Validate ePub documents Threepress Consulting Inc.
Validate ePub documents
ePub logo Upload a DRM-free ePub document to validate it against the schemas supplied with the epubcheck tool. Documents are not permanently stored on the system but take care not to upload any sensitive documents
Epub Format Construction Guide – HXA7241 – 2007
A guide for making Epub ebooks/publications, sufficient for most purposes. It requires understanding of XHTML, CSS, XML. (1900 words)
Epub, IDPF, ebook
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 License.
Example publication (this document as Epub): http://www.hxa.name/articles/content/EpubGuide-hxa7241.epub
Collections :: Modules pour Firefox
Les "collections" de modules firefox sont des packs thématiques d'extensions. Must have!
SPARQL – Wikipédia
SPARQL (protocole SPARQL et langage de requête RDF) en informatique est un langage de requête, devenu le 15 Janvier 2008, dans le cadre de l'activité Web sémantique du W3C, une recommandation W3C.
Le langage SPARQL définit la syntaxe et la sémantique nécessaire à l'expression de requêtes sur une base de données de type RDF et la forme possible des résultats.
The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames that are available for download free of charge.