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TSM clients for Debian

Here you can find TSM clients for Debian 1) DEBIAN TSM CLIENT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY IBM – THEREFORE USE AT YOUR OWN RISK 2) clients were created by unpacking rpm packages, modifying startup scripts and packing things up using dpkg-deb if request is made, I will upload step-by-step HOWTO 3) you have to use set up your dsm.sys and dsm.opt files 4) I am learning with every version, so newer version is usualy better (give more info during installation, enviroment variables are set more properly etc.) 5) clients were tested on woody and sarge

CrossRef Labs – a nifty little site

A variety of useful tools have been compiled on our new CrossRef Labs site.They can either help you locate CrossRef DOIs such as Blog/Ubiquity plugins and OpenSearch Description files or can help you to navigate through concepts that may be of interest to the CrossRef community. The tools are still in beta, so please bear with us. Find out more in the latest issue of the CrossRef Quarterly Newsletter along with a recap of our 10th Annual Meeting, technical updates and billing information.

OASIS OpenDocument Essentials—Using OASIS OpenDocument XML | Open Document

This book shows you how to take advantage of the OpenDocument format. In addition to explaining the basics, it includes examples showing how to extract information from, transform, and programmatically create OpenDocument files. This book is a work in progress written by J. David Eisenberg for O’Reilly & Associates and submitted to an open review process. The content is licensed under the Free Software Foundation’s GNU Free Documentation License.

ORCID: Open Researcher Contributor Identification Initiative – Home

Name ambiguity and attribution are persistent, critical problems imbedded in the scholarly research ecosystem. The ORCID Initiative represents a community effort to establish an open, independent registry that is adopted and embraced as the industry’s de facto standard. Our mission is to resolve the systemic name ambiguity, by means of assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individual's research output, to enhance the scientific discovery process and improve the efficiency of funding and collaboration.

Les nettoyeurs du Net –

Dans d'autres cas, l'agence ne parvient pas à identifier les propriétaires du site, ou n'obtient aucune réponse car ils vivent dans un pays lointain. Certains essaient aussi d'extorquer de l'argent pour effacer un contenu dérangeant. Quand le "nettoyage" s'avère impossible, les agences ont recours à une autre technique, le "noyage" : on neutralise les documents gênants en les faisant reculer dans la hiérarchie des résultats des moteurs de recherche. Qui se soucie de ce que Google publie en quatrième ou en cinquième page ?

Thunderbird 3 : une partie du code développée par la gendarmerie nationale – Actualités –

« Les premiers changements que les militaires ont fait leur permet de s'assurer qu'un message a bien été lu, ce qui est crucial dans une chaîne de commandement », a indiqué David Ascher, le patron de Mozilla Messaging. Mené conjointement avec Mozilla, ce projet est rapidement passé en open source sous le nom de Trustedbird.