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OMDoc is a markup format and data model for Open Mathematical Documents.

OMDoc serves as semantics-oriented representation format and ontology language for mathematical knowledge. Format, Distribution, Examples

The current stable version is OMDoc1.2 (see the OMDoc1.2 Book), but work on OMDoc1.6, the first step towards OMDoc2.0 has begun. serves as a community portal for the OMDoc community and as a clearinghouse for information about OMDoc-based projects and extensions to other sciences.

Overview Of OpenMath

OpenMath is an emerging standard for representing mathematical objects with their semantics, allowing them to be exchanged between computer programs, stored in databases, or published on the worldwide web. While the original designers were mainly developers of computer algebra systems, it is now attracting interest from other areas of scientific computation and from many publishers of electronic documents with a significant mathematical content. There is a strong relationship to the MathML recommendation from the Worldwide Web Consortium, and a large overlap between the two developer communities. MathML deals principally with the presentation of mathematical objects, while OpenMath is solely concerned with their semantic meaning or content. While MathML does have some limited facilities for dealing with content, it also allows semantic information encoded in OpenMath to be embedded inside a MathML structure. Thus the two technologies may be seen as highly complementary.

Ithaka :: Welcome to ITHAKA

"ITHAKA helps the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.

Our commitment to the core values of higher education, deep understanding of technology and its impact, and experience developing economically sustainable not-for-profit business models are embodied in our approach and the services we provide.

ITHAKA provides several services to the academic community. Ithaka S+R, the strategy and research arm of ITHAKA, works with initiatives and organizations to develop sustainable business models and conducts research and analysis on the impact of digital media on the academic community as a whole. JSTOR and Portico are efforts to increase access to scholarly materials and ensure their preservation for future generations."


Posted by: marind

Le monde de la culture sombre-t-il dans la diabolisation de Google et de l’Internet ?

"ors de ses vœux aux acteurs de la Culture, le Président de la République a déclaré vouloir adopter une attitude offensive contre le géant de l’Internet, Google. Suivant les recommandations de la commission Zelnik[1], il souhaite donc taxer de manière particulière les revenus publicitaires que la société engrange grâce aux clics que les internautes français effectuent sur les « liens sponsorisés ».Cette idée de taxation est justifiée, dans le discours présidentiel, et dans le rapport qui lui en a fourni l’idée, par le déséquilibre de la répartition des revenus publicitaires entre les producteurs de contenus – les industries culturelles – et Google qui détient une position dominante sur ce secteur d’activité. Alors que les premières voient leur taux de profitabilité baisser dangereusement – c’est vrai de la musique enregistrée et de la presse en particulier -, Google connaît une insolente bonne santé économique, même en période de crise. On comprend dès lors qu’un certain nombre de publications de presse aient accueilli très favorablement cette proposition dont ils espèrent tirer quelque bouffée d’oxygène[2]."


Posted by: marind

Search Patterns – O’Reilly Media

"Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, ecommerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and realtime search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and augmented reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search better today.
Full Description"


Posted by: marind

The ODF Toolkit Project

The ODF Toolkit provides a home for libraries that ease the development of applications that support ODF , the unique vendor neutral open standard for office documents. The ODF Toolkit further provides a home for tools that process ODF or check ODF conformance.

The range of projects that are available in the ODF Toolkit goes from small tools that simplify using ODF in the software development process, over an ODF validation tool up to large ODF Java and .NET libraries that can be used within other projects. And this is just the start. Developers are invited to freely host their open source ODF libraries and tools within the ODF Toolkit, to join the existing projects, and to collaborate with ODF developers everywhere.

The ODF Toolkit provides Mercurial for hosting your code, forums, mailing lists, wikis, an issue tracking system, and personalized home pages. More will come.

Appy framework | python open document

What is pod ?

pod (python open document) is a library that allows to easily generate documents whose content is dynamic. The principle is simple: you create an ODF (Open Document Format) text document (with OpenOffice Writer 2.0 or higher for example), you insert some Python code at some places inside it, and from any program written in Python, you can call pod with, as input, the OpenDocument file and a bunch of Python objects. pod generates another ODF text document (ODT) that contains the desired result. If you prefer to get the result in another format, pod can call OpenOffice in server mode to generate the result in PDF, DOC, RTF or TXT format.

At this page presented set of XSLT stylesheet for MathML 2.0 to LaTeX translation. The XSLT stylesheet is expected to be used as a module for more general transformations. It is implemented purely in XSLT, that is they do not use any extensions.

Yet XSLT MathML Library exists at SourceForge:

Full MathML 2.0 is is supported

Inauguration du site de Formation emploi –

"Créée à l’initiative du Centre d’étude et de recherche sur les qualifications (Céreq), la revue Formation emploi traite de l’ensemble des relations entre systèmes de formation et système productif. Elle est ouverte aux approches disciplinaires multiples et complémentaires – la sociologie, l’économie, la gestion, la psychologie –, et privilégie les réflexions fondées sur des données originales, si possibles orientées vers l’action. Les articles sont sélectionnés par un comité de lecture indépendant.
Formation emploi est une publication disponible en libre accès après un délai de restriction de 2 ans. À ce jour, huit numéros sont disponibles en texte intégral sur le portail"


Posted by: marind