From an economics standpoint, self-citation is the easiest method to boost one’s citations. Every author knows this and cites his own articles, however peripheral their relationship is to the topic at hand. Editors know this as well, and some have been caught coercing authors into self-citing the journal. Other editors have published editorial “reviews” of the articles published in their own journal, focusing entirely on papers that have been published in the previous two years — the window from which the impact factor is generated.
Étiquette : citation
Twitter, Facebook – Citations – Library Research Guides
CrossRef Blog: DataCite Summer Meeting Report
DataCite held its first Summer Meeting in Hannover, Germany from June 7-8 and it was very successful. DataCite is a new international consortium of national libraries and data centers set up to "establish easier access to scientific research data on the Internet, increase acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scientific record, and to support data archiving that will permit results to be verified and re-purposed for future study."
Guidelines for Encoding Bibliographic Citation Information in Dublin Core Metadata
This document provides guidelines for capturing bibliographic citation information within a Dublin Core description. It focuses primarily on:
* bibliographic citations for journal articles, this being the most common genre for which such description is required, but guidelines for other genre are also given
* bibliographic citations for a resource within its own metadata, but some guidelines for capturing references to other resources are also indicated
* qualified Dublin Core descriptions, though some suggestions for capturing this information in simple Dublin Core are also given
In addition to a need to describe bibliographic citation information for discovery and for reading by humans after retrieval of a record, some applications have a requirement to encode this information in a format suitable for machine reading. These guidelines suggest the use of descriptions taken from the OpenURL Framework standard (Z39.88-2004) [1], rather than inventing an alternative DCMI syn