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CSS maintenables

“Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent (252 pages, Éditions Eyrolles / Design web, ISBN-13: 978-2212134179)
Encore un nouveau livre sur CSS me direz-vous ! Certes, mais celui-ci capte enfin un public différent.

Il se pose en quelque sorte comme un chaînon manquant entre les livres de CSS purement dédiés aux designers et les autres plus techniques. Celui-ci s’adresse vraiment aux intégrateurs confrontés à des projets CSS quotidiennement.”


10 WordPress plugins to enhance your blog’s typography

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wdd6 10 WordPress plugins to enhance your blog’s typography
Have you ever visited a blog and noticed immediately how the typography added sophistication and really made the content stand out? Perhaps it was an elegant typeface that fit the theme of the blog, or white space that was used proficiently throughout the layout. Whatever it was, it caught your eye, and you probably wondered how they did it.
These kinds of readability enhancements are done either via manual CSS styling or with plug-ins. If you’re not familiar with CSS coding, then plug-ins are definitely the way to go, and this article highlights the top 10 typography-related WordPress plug-ins for enhancing the readability of your blog.

Plug-ins like these are important because they help you better handle hyphens, spacing, character formatting, text enhancements, quotes and much more. By using just a plug-in or two, you can breath life into an otherwise dull layout and keep readers longer.
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The AXR project – The web, done right

“It uses XML for the content and HSS for the design and simple behavior of the interface. HSS is a language based on CSS, but offers many more advanced features, such as object orientation, rule nesting, expressions, references to other objects, modularization (code reuse), etc. JavaScript will be used as well for advanced behavior.”


Sur le front des polices pour le web, ça continue à progresser : Beyond Times and Arial – The New Web Safe Fonts

“The good news is, with Google Web Fonts it is now possible to use hundreds of web safe fonts on your web pages. Launched last May, Google Web Fonts allows you to simply choose the font(s) you’d like to use on your webpage, blog, or web app, and embed the snippet of HTML and CSS. In about 30 seconds, you can have beautiful fonts on your pages that will render correctly in the large majority of popular modern web browsers. No longer will you need to use images or Flash to embed the font of your choice.

Unlike Times and Arial, which are references to fonts installed on a user’s local machine, web fonts are served via a browser request (much like an image would be served). That means you can push any web font to a user’s machine. Users will be delighted when they realize these fonts behave just as any other text in Arial would behave.”


BlueGriffon, l’éditeur HTML basé sur Firefox

“BlueGriffon se démarque notamment par son support exceptionnel de CSS3 et HTML5 et propose des boîtes de dialogues évoluées permettant par exemple d’afficher des polices de caractères exotiques ou une disposition en multi-colonnes.


La dernière version du logiciel, Griffon V.0.8 a été publiée en décembre 2010, est compatible Windows, Mac et Linux, et est librement et gratuitement téléchargeable à l’adresse Un certain nombre d’extensions (add-ons), payantes cette-fois, peuvent être greffées au socle de base du logiciel.”


Sass – Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It’s translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

Sass has two syntaxes. The new main syntax (as of Sass 3) is known as “SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”), and is a superset of CSS3’s syntax. This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet is valid SCSS as well. SCSS files use the extension .scss.

The second, older syntax is known as the indented syntax (or just “Sass”). Inspired by Haml’s terseness, it’s intended for people who prefer conciseness over similarity to CSS. Instead of brackets and semicolons, it uses the indentation of lines to specify blocks. Although no longer the primary syntax, the indented syntax will continue to be supported. Files in the indented syntax use the extension .sass.

Un IDE pour créer des animations CSS3 – Alsacréations

“Sencha Animator se propose de créer des animations CSS3 grâce à une interface utilisateur conviviale, proche d’un programme de dessin vectoriel. Il est possible d’intégrer des objets, de les déplacer, redimensionner, avec différents niveaux d’imbrication. Des transformations de rotation et de déformation sont disponibles ainsi que les dégradés, les flous, et les ombrages. La ligne de temps permet de s’y retrouver.”


Comprehensive CSS Stylesheet – TEIWiki

The following is an attempt to gradually build CSS for each TEI element, paralleling the default TEI stylesheets (while also potentially serving as a kind of discussion center for how the stylesheets ought to operate (see Formatting TEI documents on how there is a need for this despite TEI being agnostic as to output formatting), at least for issues pertaining solely to formatting as opposed to semantics), by indicating here necessary deviations from the XHTML stylesheets (due to CSS constraints) or potentially desirable alternatives, etc.).