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Dryad is an international repository of data underlying peer-reviewed articles in the basic and applied biosciences

Dryad is an international repository of data underlying peer-reviewed articles in the basic and applied biosciences. Dryad enables scientists to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, repurpose data for research questions unanticipated by the original authors, and perform synthetic studies. Dryad is governed by a consortium of journals that collaboratively promote data archiving and ensure the sustainability of the repository.


La réutilisation des données publiques : quels défis pour les archives ?

La question de la réutilisation des données publiques est de nouveau au cœur des débats professionnels et citoyens (y compris européens). Concernés au premier chef, de nombreux services d’archives font face à ces enjeux en élaborant règlements et licences de réutilisation. Dans ces nouvelles stratégies se joue la question des données personnelles, mais également celle de l’émergence d’une économie du savoir qui puisse favoriser les utilisations non-commerciales. Avec cette journée forum, largement ouverte aux acteurs concernés, l’AAF entend se saisir du débat et proposer un espace de réflexion ouvert au dialogue.


2010 International Symposium on Long-term Preservation of XML

Nearly everywhere, people who create, store, query, or serve XML expect it to live a very long time. XML is platform- and application-independent, and by and large it is platforms and applications that vanish. If by encoding information in XML we have freed it from dependency on specific platforms or applications, have we succeeded in ensuring that the XML can live long into the future?

CrossTech: DOI: What Do We Got?

Following the JISC seminar last week on persistent identifiers (#jiscpid on Twitter) there was some discussion about DOI and its role within a Linked Data context. John Erickson has responded with a very thoughtful post DOIs, URIs and Cool Resolution, which ably summarizes how the current problem with DOI in that the way the DOI is is implemented by the handle HTTP proxy may not have kept pace with actual HTTP developments. (For example, John notes that the proxy is not capable of dealing with 'Accept' headers.) He has proposed a solution, and the post has attracted several comments.


OMDoc is a markup format and data model for Open Mathematical Documents.

OMDoc serves as semantics-oriented representation format and ontology language for mathematical knowledge. Format, Distribution, Examples

The current stable version is OMDoc1.2 (see the OMDoc1.2 Book), but work on OMDoc1.6, the first step towards OMDoc2.0 has begun. serves as a community portal for the OMDoc community and as a clearinghouse for information about OMDoc-based projects and extensions to other sciences.