“AZARDI Desktop is an ePub3 reader that works on all operating systems. It can be downloaded free.”
Étiquette : epub
Three JavaScript ePub Readers : Threepress Consulting blog
The last few weeks have seen a tremendous increase in interest about ePub. Many new blog posts have been written trying to explain the format. We’ve also seen a big jump in the number of publishers coming to Threepress for help with tricky ePub problems or just asking for guidance about the format. While I’d like to pretend that the growth is due, in part, to a long-anticipated awareness about the benefits of open standards among consumers, publishers, and suppliers, I think it’s more likely that it was Steve Jobs’ explicit mention of ePub support in iBooks on the iPad that drove most of the excitement. What makes me most excited about this groundswell is the sudden interest in ePub from a number of clever developers.
Amazon améliore son format (propriétaire) pour les ebooks : Kindle Format 8
We’re pleased to announce that Kindle Publisher Tools – KindleGen and Kindle Previewer with Kindle Format 8 (KF8) support are now available for download. Kindle Format 8 is Amazon’s next generation file format offering a wide range of new features and enhancements – including HTML5 and CSS3 support that publishers can use to create all types of books. KF8 adds over 150 new formatting capabilities, including drop caps, numbered lists, fixed layouts, nested tables, callouts, sidebars and Scalable Vector Graphics – opening up more opportunities to create Kindle books that readers will love. Kindle Fire is the first Kindle device to support KF8 – in the coming months KF8 will be rolled out to our latest generation Kindle e-ink devices as well as our free Kindle reading apps.
IDPF Standards :: Index
Astuce : quelles polices pour lire sur son reader?
Le format ePub a un avantage souvent oublié : il permet à l’utilisateur de choisir la police qui lui convient le mieux. Ainsi, certains readers s’appuient sur cette fonction, notamment ceux de la marque français Bookeen mais également Pocketbook, BeBook ainsi que d’autres appareils en marque blanche. Hervé Bienvault revient sur son blog sur cette fonctionnalité oubliée et propose au téléchargement un pack de polices compatibles avec ces appareils. Dans le cas du reader de Bookeen, il suffira de glisser les fichiers téléchargés dans le dossier “Fonts” du reader. Concernant les polices sélectionnées, voici la liste, avec la taille retenue.
- Adobe Graramond Pro, courant, 22
- Apple Garamond, courant, 24
- Baskerville Classico, courant, 20
- Cambria, courant, 22
- Caslon Normal, courant, 22
- Century Schoolbook, courant, 22
- DejaVu Serif, courant, 18
- Divona, courant, 18
- FrizQuaRegular, courant, 22
- Georgia, courant, 22
- Liberation Serif, courant, 22
- Minion Pro, courant, 22
- MPlantin, courant, 22
- Palatino LT Standart, gras, 22
- Times of the West, courant, 22
- Verdana, courant, 22
Et vous, quelle police utilisez-vous sur votre reader/tablette?
Livres électroniques: quelle liseuse pour quel format? [ebook] | Onsoftware
“Bienvenue dans la jungle des formats de fichiers.
ePub, Mobi, Prc, Azw, Cbr, Cbz, Pdf sont les formats privilégiés des livres numériques. Sans compter les formats supplémentaires que certains lecteurs savent aussi afficher comme le .doc de Microsoft Office, ainsi que les fichiers texte comme le RTF, le TXT et même le HTML.
Résultat, il est bien difficile de savoir quel format sera le plus adapté à votre liseuse, et surtout le plus pérenne. Car il est fort probable que vous changiez un jour de support mais pas de bibliothèque. Alors autant s’assurer que vos livres soient compatibles avec votre nouvel outil de lecture… Quel format choisir, et comment les convertir?”
OpenCorpus: Compiler efficacement des pages web sous forme de documents ePub
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Excellent! Il faut tester mais voilà qui met encore un peu plus le epub à la portée de tous!
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Polifile, produire des ePub de qualité : bienvenue
“Appuyé sur les technologies du web, Polifile est d’un accès ergonomique et permet de créer des livres numériques valides, pouvant être vendus ou diffusés sur les principales plate-formes mondiales, ou sur les sites des éditeurs. Polifile dispose d’outils de typographie, d’organisation et de relecture. Il permet l’intégration d’images.”
C&F Editions: des ePubs avec Polifile
Si vous êtes encore au Salon cet après-midi et que les conférences vous lassent, allez-donc voir le stand de C&F Editions (c'est pas loin) avec la démonstration de Polifile. Vraiment très convaincant pour préparer en toute simplicité (et efficacité!) des versions ePub de vos textes: "Appuyé sur les technologies du web, Polifile est d’un accès ergonomique et permet de créer des livres numériques valides, pouvant être vendus ou diffusés sur les principales plate-formes mondiales, ou sur les sites des éditeurs. Polifile dispose d’outils de typographie, d’organisation et de relecture. Il permet l’intégration d’images". Vous pouvez accéder à la version béta. Bibliobsession est passé aussi avant moi et avec le même enthousiasme! Bravo à Hervé Le Crosnier et son équipei!
What to expect in EPUB3
Just as publishers are wrapping their heads — and workflows — around the current version of EPUB, a new release is scheduled for May. The EPUB3 draft is set to publish for comment later this month, giving publishers and developers their first blush at what the release will mean to them.
In the following interview, Bob Kasher, business development manager for integrated solutions at Book Masters and a member of the International Digital Publishing Forum EPUB Working Group, highlights some of the changes the new version will bring to the publishing industry. Kasher is scheduled to speak in depth on EPUB3 at February’s Tools of Change for Publishing conference in New York.
What are some of the major changes EPUB3 will bring to digital publishing?
Bob Kasher: There are three key areas EPUB3 is focused around: language support, greater accessibility, and increased multimedia support. Language support will allow EPUB3 to save and search non-Roman scripts — such as Japanese, Chinese and Arabic — as font characters rather than JPEGs, as in current EPUB support. This will make a much broader range of literature available to current and future reading devices from base EPUB files. It will truly internationalize EPUB.
EPUB3 will also be better at integrating the current DAISY accessibility standards, to help make reading devices of greater usefulness to visually impaired readers.
EPUB3 will be much more adept at supporting multimedia capabilities for both HTML5-based devices and the coming generation of tablets supporting both Flash and HTML5. It is hoped that in doing so, EPUB3 will help develop an enhanced ebook standard that can be used across a variety of media and content.
Other developments include enhanced metadata support for discoverability, better facilitation support for touchscreen devices, and support for MathML, which we hope will open up greater opportunities for textbook publishers. EPUB3 will be a quantum leap forward in capabilities for future device support, but still backward compatible with current devices on the market.
Will EPUB3 bring any digital rights management changes?
Bob Kasher: DRM is still optional, and DRM formatting will still be flexible as far as being wrapped with EPUB. There will be no changes in that area.
How will EPUB3 change ereaders and apps?
Bob Kasher: That depends on where content creators take it. As EPUB3 will be backward compatible, it will be usable on current devices, so there won’t be any immediate need for change. However, as new devices open up greater opportunities for readers to access elements not readily available on devices like the Kindle or Kobo or Nook, it will propel accessibility to these attributes in the next generation of ereaders.
With an estimated 80+ new tablet products coming to market this year, I foresee an increasing consumer interest for app-like products that can be accessed through general distribution sites rather than as individual apps.
When will EPUB3 be released? Is the publishing world ready?
Bob Kasher: The draft is being readied for comment and release this month, and we hope to have the final version publicly proclaimed by Book Expo America in May. I think the world will be ready — there is already a lot of testing and development around the product. I fully expect publishers will embrace the re-write quickly and effectively, and we hope it will be one more element fueling the digital transformation of our industry.
This interview was edited and condensed.