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Oracle Donates OpenOffice to the Apache Software Foundation

Oracle announced today that it will contribute the code to the Apache Software Foundation, where the free office productivity suite will become part of Apache’s incubator program.

The announcement comes after a rocky year for OpenOffice, which was largely abandoned by Oracle and turned over to the community, many of whom in turn forked the project to LibreOffice and created The Document Foundation.


Welcome to The Document Foundation! – The Document Foundation

It is an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation, created by leading members of the Community.
It continues to build on the foundation of ten years' dedicated work by the Community.
It was created in the belief that the culture born of an independent Foundation brings out the best in contributors and will deliver the best software for users.
It is open to any individual who agrees with our core values and contributes to our activities.
It welcomes corporate participation, e.g. by sponsoring individuals to work as equals alongside other contributors in the community.

Document Foundation : Oracle décline l’invitation, a son fork officiel::Poste de travail::LeMagIT

“Selon nos sources, Oracle aurait, dès lendemain de l’annonce de la fondation, rejeté l’invitation ainsi que toute proposition de dialogue. Alors que la fondation indiquait clairement que le projet LibreOffice ne constituait pas un fork (dérivé) d’OpenOffice, ouvrant ainsi la porte aux négociations, ce refus net du groupe change la donne. Et mue officiellement LibreOffice en fork de la très populaire suite bureautique Open source. La communauté et les utilisateurs savent donc aujourd’hui sur quel pied danser.”
