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Welcome to the microformats wiki! · Microformats Wiki

This wiki is the central resource of the microformats community. You’ll find current versions of published microformat specifications, specification drafts and publishing patterns. The wiki also hosts development resources, such as brainstorming pages for new formats and issue tracking pages for all current and in-development microformats.


An Uber-comparison of RDFa, Microdata and Microformats | The Beautiful, Tormented Machine

“There has been a recent discussion at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) about the state of RDFa, Microdata and Microformats. The Technical Architecture Group (TAG) is concerned about the W3C publishing two specifications that achieve effectively the same thing in incompatible ways. They are suggesting that both RDFa 1.1 and Microdata, in their current state, should not proceed as official specifications until they become more compatible with one another. The W3C intends to launch a quick examination of the situation to determine whether or not there is room for convergence of these technologies.”


Un événement important : Facebook Adds hCalendar and hCard Microformats to Millions of Events

“As of today, Facebook has marked up all events with the hCalendar microformat including marking up their venues with hCard as well. According to a simple Google search, that’s millions of public events now with microformats (if anyone knows a more precise number for the total number of Facebook events including private ones, or how many events are created per day, please let us know!).”
