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How To Build A Mobile Website – Smashing Magazine

“Over the past few years, mobile web usage has considerably increased to the point that web developers and designers can no longer afford to ignore it. In wealthy countries, the shift is being fueled by faster mobile broadband connections and cheaper data service. However, a large increase has also been seen in developing nations where people have skipped over buying PCs and gone straight to mobile.

Unfortunately, the mobile arena introduces a layer of complexity that can be difficult for developers to accommodate. Mobile development is more than cross-browser, it should be cross-platform. The vast number of mobile devices makes thorough testing a practical impossibility, leaving developers nostalgic for the days when they only had to support legacy browsers.

In addition to supporting different platforms, each device may use any number of mobile web browsers. For instance, an Android user could access your site using the native Android browser, or could have also installed Opera Mini or Firefox Mobile. It’s fine as long as the smartphone uses a progressive web browser (and it’s safe to say that most browsers are progressive nowadays), but it doesn’t have to.”


Pourquoi l’Internet mobile n’est PAS Internet ? – le Blog de FDN

“Depuis quelques années, nous avons la possibilité d’accéder à Internet via les réseaux téléphoniques mobiles. Utilisant la norme GSM, puis le GPRS, EDGE et maintenant la 3G, ces réseaux disposent désormais de débits, de couverture et de périphériques nous permettant d’en exploiter pleinement les possibilités. Toutefois, les choix techniques des opérateurs de téléphonies mobiles, plus habitués à restreindre les libertés de leurs clients qu’à leur ouvrir grand les portes, méritent d’être épluchés et, si besoin, dénoncés.

En effet. de nombreuses limitations, qu’elles soient contractuelles ou techniques, font que cet accès à Internet est tout sauf de l’Internet. On pourrait plutôt le rapprocher de la télévision ou du minitel, et voici pourquoi ..”



jQTouch is a jQuery plugin for developing mobile web apps.

It takes an HTML page with several sections, and creates a view for each div. The main view is the div with id "#home".

Now that most recent browsers support HTML5's localStorage (a local key-value store), it's possible to have a settings page for a web app that doesn't require users to sign in: their settings are stored locally.

This data can be erased, though, if the user clears the temporary data stored by their browser – similar to cookies.

HTML5's client-side SQL databases allow data to be stored more permanently (until the databases are erased), but aren't yet supported by all browsers (Safari & Chrome, but not Firefox).

This example web app, using jQTouch in the client and PHP on the server, provides settings which are stored in a client-side database if available, or localStorage otherwise. Add a feed URL and it should be remembered next time you visit the app.