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The Big List of NoSQL Use Cases

“”In the NoSQL space this kind of real-world data is still a bit vague,” writes Todd Hoff at High Scalability. “When asked, vendors tend to give very general answers like NoSQL is good for BigData or key-value access. What does that mean for for the developer in the trenches faced with the task of solving a specific problem and there are a dozen confusing choices and no obvious winner? Not a lot.””


How Twitter Uses NoSQL – ReadWriteCloud

” InfoQ has released a video of Twitter’s Kevin Weil speaking at Strange Loop earlier this year on how the company uses NoSQL. Weil is quick to point out that Twitter is heavily dependent on MySQL. However, Twitter does employ NoSQL solutions for many purposes for which MySQL isn’t ideal. According to Weil, Twitter users generate 12 terrabytes of data a day – about four petabytes per year. And that amount is multiplying every year. Read on for our notes on Weil’s talk.”
