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La spécification d’ODF 1.2 est terminée

“Il a fallu pas moins de 4 ans de travail à l’OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards — Organisation pour l’Avancée des Standards d’Information Structurée) pour finaliser cette norme. Une grande part du retard a été probablement induite par le fait que les experts sur le sujet ne sont pas très nombreux et ont dû corriger la norme Microsoft OOXML. “


ODFDOM 0.8.5 – The new Release of the OpenDocument Java Library – GullFOSS

The new version of ODFDOM – our Apache 2 licensed ODF library in Java has been released!
Aside of a more than a dozen patches there were two outstanding new features for the 0.8.5 release:

1. The support of all ODF templates. Nearly all document types of ODF 1.2 are now supported.
Only the support for Formula (MathML) and Database front end documents will follow later.

2. The new high level Presentation API for slide handling. An API supporting exchange of slides, copy and much more.

ODFDOM 0.8 – The new Release of the OpenDocument Java Library – GullFOSS

The new version of ODFDOM – the OpenDocument Java library – has been released!

Most people might know about ODFDOM, for the others: ODFDOM is an Apache 2 licensed Java library to easily create, access and manipulate the ODF documents.

In biggest feature aside of a more than a dozen patches for ODFDOM 0.8 is the complete revised new ODF table API.
The table is the first feature introducing our new layered design to ease ODF usage. Some quick overview:

The ODF Toolkit Project

The ODF Toolkit provides a home for libraries that ease the development of applications that support ODF , the unique vendor neutral open standard for office documents. The ODF Toolkit further provides a home for tools that process ODF or check ODF conformance.

The range of projects that are available in the ODF Toolkit goes from small tools that simplify using ODF in the software development process, over an ODF validation tool up to large ODF Java and .NET libraries that can be used within other projects. And this is just the start. Developers are invited to freely host their open source ODF libraries and tools within the ODF Toolkit, to join the existing projects, and to collaborate with ODF developers everywhere.

The ODF Toolkit provides Mercurial for hosting your code, forums, mailing lists, wikis, an issue tracking system, and personalized home pages. More will come.

Appy framework | python open document

What is pod ?

pod (python open document) is a library that allows to easily generate documents whose content is dynamic. The principle is simple: you create an ODF (Open Document Format) text document (with OpenOffice Writer 2.0 or higher for example), you insert some Python code at some places inside it, and from any program written in Python, you can call pod with, as input, the OpenDocument file and a bunch of Python objects. pod generates another ODF text document (ODT) that contains the desired result. If you prefer to get the result in another format, pod can call OpenOffice in server mode to generate the result in PDF, DOC, RTF or TXT format.

OASIS OpenDocument Essentials—Using OASIS OpenDocument XML | Open Document

This book shows you how to take advantage of the OpenDocument format. In addition to explaining the basics, it includes examples showing how to extract information from, transform, and programmatically create OpenDocument files. This book is a work in progress written by J. David Eisenberg for O’Reilly & Associates and submitted to an open review process. The content is licensed under the Free Software Foundation’s GNU Free Documentation License.