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Les bonnes recettes du libre

Les licences libres et plus généralement la culture du libre pour la littérature, la musique et le cinéma, c’est très mal. Ça ne marche pas et ça fait crever des générations entières de pauvres auteurs naïfs. Démonstration du contraire, avec des artistes en chair et en os. Du concret.


De la motivation au sein d’une communauté – Framablog

“« Des études comportementales scientifiques, indubitablement indépendantes du complot socialo-communiste mondial (MIT, unversité de Chicago et Carnegie, financées par la banque fédérale US), démontrent que, si l’amélioration de la productivité d’une tâche mécanique peut-être induite par sa récompense en terme de rémunération, ce n’est pas le cas des tâches cognitives et créatives.

Dans ce cas, le principe de la carotte est plutôt contre-productif. Pour les œuvres humaines plus compliquées que le travail à la chaine, en effet, les trois facteurs identifiés comme induisant une amélioration de la créativité, de la productivité et de la qualité sont :

* Autonomy, qui se traduit comme ça se prononce.
* Mastery, le développement personnel et la recherche de l’expertise.
* Purpose, le but de l’activité, qui sera autant de motivation qu’il satisfait aux critères éthiques et moraux du collaborateur.

Ces résultats, outre qu’ils expliquent l’efficacité de modèles de développement coopératifs tels que Linux ou Wikipédia, remettent en question les dogmes du management, voire de notre modèle économique.”


Overview Of OpenMath

OpenMath is an emerging standard for representing mathematical objects with their semantics, allowing them to be exchanged between computer programs, stored in databases, or published on the worldwide web. While the original designers were mainly developers of computer algebra systems, it is now attracting interest from other areas of scientific computation and from many publishers of electronic documents with a significant mathematical content. There is a strong relationship to the MathML recommendation from the Worldwide Web Consortium, and a large overlap between the two developer communities. MathML deals principally with the presentation of mathematical objects, while OpenMath is solely concerned with their semantic meaning or content. While MathML does have some limited facilities for dealing with content, it also allows semantic information encoded in OpenMath to be embedded inside a MathML structure. Thus the two technologies may be seen as highly complementary.

The CoverPages | Online ressource for markup language technologies


The Cover Pages is a comprehensive, online reference collection supporting the XML family of markup language standards, XML vocabularies, and related structured information standards. Edited by Robin Cover since 1986, this public access knowledgebase promotes and enables the use of open, interoperable, standards-based solutions which protect digital information and enhance the quality of data processing.

The Cover Pages web site provides reference material on enabling technologies compatible with SGML/XML descriptive markup language standards and applications: object modeling, semantic nets, ontologies, authority lists, document production systems, and conceptual modeling. It also supplies references for social aspects of distributed and public sector concerns: privacy, open standards, patented technology embedded in standards, etc. NB. This statement and the resource itself are works in progress, subject to continuous revision.

ORCID: Open Researcher Contributor Identification Initiative – Home

Name ambiguity and attribution are persistent, critical problems imbedded in the scholarly research ecosystem. The ORCID Initiative represents a community effort to establish an open, independent registry that is adopted and embraced as the industry’s de facto standard. Our mission is to resolve the systemic name ambiguity, by means of assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individual's research output, to enhance the scientific discovery process and improve the efficiency of funding and collaboration.