Pour élaborer rapidement et concrètement l’agencement de l’information (et le zoning) et des fonctionnalités d’une future interface, le maquettage en fil de fer (wireframe) est souvent un passage obligé de l’approche ergonomique. Comme le dit Jean-François Nogier dans son ouvrage : “Le prototypage est la clé de voûte du développement itératif”.
Étiquette : outil
OTRS: Open Source Help Desk and IT Service ManagementSolution
“OTRS is an open source software system for managing a wide range of business processes, from Help Desk to Support Center to IT Service Management. Based on a set of functions built on a “trouble ticket,” OTRS is built to allow support, sales, pre-sales, billing, internal IT, support desk and many other departments to react quickly and responsibly to inbound inquires. Do you receive many e-mails and want to answer them with a team of agents? You’re going to love OTRS! “