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HyperDB « WordPress Codex

HyperDB is a replacement for the standard wpdb class which adds the ability to use multiple databases. HyperDB supports partition of data as well as replication.

Partitioning of Data

This involves moving different tables or different parts of the database into different databases, and normally on different servers. This allows you to scale an application by adding more database servers, so your data could be spread across several servers.

HyperDB allows you to specify which data resides on which servers.

Replication involves having one database server act as the master (the central copy of all data) and other servers act as slaves (each with a copy of the data). All the database writes must go to the master server, but database reads can be sent to slave servers, thus spreading the load amongst multiple servers.

HyperDB allows you to split database writes and reads and assign each to an array of servers.

HyperDB allows multiple servers to be configured and multiple routes to servers. If the first server can’t be accessed the second server is tried, if that’s down the third server, and so on. This allows for failover from internal nics to public nics to remote datacentres, etc.


Solarium – PHP Solr client | opensource Solr client library for PHP applications

By offering an API for common Solr functionality you no longer need to compose complex querystrings and parameters manually, greatly reducing development time and complexity. Take a look at the examples shown above for a first impression. To get a good view of the difference compared to other Solr clients or manual requests see Why Solarium?



jQTouch is a jQuery plugin for developing mobile web apps.

It takes an HTML page with several sections, and creates a view for each div. The main view is the div with id "#home".

Now that most recent browsers support HTML5's localStorage (a local key-value store), it's possible to have a settings page for a web app that doesn't require users to sign in: their settings are stored locally.

This data can be erased, though, if the user clears the temporary data stored by their browser – similar to cookies.

HTML5's client-side SQL databases allow data to be stored more permanently (until the databases are erased), but aren't yet supported by all browsers (Safari & Chrome, but not Firefox).

This example web app, using jQTouch in the client and PHP on the server, provides settings which are stored in a client-side database if available, or localStorage otherwise. Add a feed URL and it should be remembered next time you visit the app.

PHP 5.3 : intl : Internationalisation et Localisation (partie 1) – Pascal MARTIN (n+1).zéro

Une des problématiques que nous rencontrons de plus en plus fréquemment, alors que PHP s’utilise de plus en plus en entreprise, est la déclinaison de nos applications en plusieurs langues, qui regroupe deux notions :

* L’internationalisation (« i18n »), qui est le fait de concevoir une application de manière à ce qu’elle puisse être déclinée pour plusieurs locales,
* et la localisation (« l10n »), qui est le fait de décliner une application pour une culture — ce qui a des impacts sur la langue, bien entendu, mais aussi sur les formats de date, les unités monétaires, …

L’extension intl, qui était auparavant disponible sous forme de paquet PECL, est maintenant intégrée à PHP 5.3 ; elle nous facilitera la tâche pour la mise en place de sites multi-culturels.

Zend Framework: Documentation: Chapter 45. Zend_Search_Lucene

Zend_Search_Lucene is a general purpose text search engine written entirely in PHP 5. Since it stores its index on the filesystem and does not require a database server, it can add search capabilities to almost any PHP-driven website. Zend_Search_Lucene supports the following features:


Ranked searching – best results returned first

Many powerful query types: phrase queries, boolean queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range queries and many others.

Search by specific field (e.g., title, author, contents)

Zend_Search_Lucene was derived from the Apache Lucene project. The currently (starting from ZF 1.6) supported Lucene index format versions are 1.4 – 2.3. For more information on Lucene, visit