L’expert en référencement Internet commente les premiers effets liés à l’implémentation du “filtre moteur” Google Panda qui divise la communauté des professionnels Internet.
Étiquette : referencement
BABEL@PA – dataBase for Accessing academic puBlications in European Languages on Public Administration
This database collects information about articles in European non-English journals. Article titles and summaries/abstracts (in original) of articles published in academically recognised European journals, are translated into English and French.
By using t
Traduction "référencement" en anglais
Page de discussion où l'on trouve des traductions de termes de référencement en anglais.
BABEL@PA – dataBase for Accessing academic puBlications in European Languages on Public Administration
This database collects information about articles in European non-English journals. Article titles and summaries/abstracts (in original) of articles published in academically recognised European journals, are translated into English and French.
By using this database researchers can search for content in several fields: the article’s title, the name of the author, journal title, journal country, language of the article, the abstract and the theme of the article.
Each journal is responsible for providing the information that is inserted in the database.