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OMDoc is a markup format and data model for Open Mathematical Documents.

OMDoc serves as semantics-oriented representation format and ontology language for mathematical knowledge. Format, Distribution, Examples

The current stable version is OMDoc1.2 (see the OMDoc1.2 Book), but work on OMDoc1.6, the first step towards OMDoc2.0 has begun. serves as a community portal for the OMDoc community and as a clearinghouse for information about OMDoc-based projects and extensions to other sciences.

The CoverPages | Online ressource for markup language technologies


The Cover Pages is a comprehensive, online reference collection supporting the XML family of markup language standards, XML vocabularies, and related structured information standards. Edited by Robin Cover since 1986, this public access knowledgebase promotes and enables the use of open, interoperable, standards-based solutions which protect digital information and enhance the quality of data processing.

The Cover Pages web site provides reference material on enabling technologies compatible with SGML/XML descriptive markup language standards and applications: object modeling, semantic nets, ontologies, authority lists, document production systems, and conceptual modeling. It also supplies references for social aspects of distributed and public sector concerns: privacy, open standards, patented technology embedded in standards, etc. NB. This statement and the resource itself are works in progress, subject to continuous revision.

L’Europe à l’IDPF? – Aldus – depuis 2006

Billet envoyé par Alain Pierrot:"

L'IDPF, qui gère le standard ePub, renouvelle son bureau. Huit postes de directeurs sont ouverts. Verra-t-on les éditeurs européens porter des candidats?

A ma connaissance, seul Hadrien Gardeur (Feedbooks) jusqu'à présent, a investi temps et efforts pour participer à l'élaboration et l'amélioration du standard. Il serait temps que la voix d'autres éditeurs européens se fasse entendre.
Un bon sujet à évoquer aux Assises professionnelles du Livre Numérique organisées par le SNE qui ont lieu demain après-midi à la Mutualité à Paris.