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Failover and loadbalancer using keepalived (LVS) on two machines

Failover and loadbalancer using keepalived (LVS) on two machines
January 26th, 2009

In this scenario, we have two machines and try to make the most of available resources. Each of the node will play the role of realserver, it will provide a service such as a web or a mail server. At the same time, one of the machines will loadbalance the requests to itself and to its neighbor. The node that is responsible of the loadbalancing owns the VIP. Every client connects to it transparently thanks to the VIP. The other node is also able to take over the VIP if it detects that current master failed but in nominal case only process requests forwarded by the loadbalancer.

TEI: Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

TEI Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide an opportunity for TEI enthusiasts with similar interests to meet and exchange ideas. The TEI provides each SIG with web space, wiki space, a mailing list, and opportunities to meet at the Annual Members' Meeting. SIG activity might lead to any number of outputs, including training courses or documentation, proposals for extension or modification to the Guidelines, etc., no particular outcomes are required or expected. All SIGs are open to the public.

Anyone with an idea for a fresh area of activity or collaboration is invited to propose a new SIG. See the SIG rules page for details.

Formation TEI (École nationale des chartes, juin 2009)

Cette page Web permet d’accéder à l’ensemble des documents (listes des participants, supports d’intervention, fichiers exemples, ressources diverses) utilisés pendant la formation sur TEI organisée par l’École nationale des chartes (ENC) à Paris les 4, 5, 10, 11 et 12 juin 2009.

Dernière mise à jour de cette page : 6 novembre 2009.

Nota : pour l’instant, tous les documents ne sont pas réunis. Ce sera le cas très bientôt.

Simplify Ajax development with jQuery

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