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TEI P5 version 2.2.0 is released | Text Encoding Initiative Newsfeed #xml #tei

“TEI P5 version 2.2.0 (Codename: Primrose Path) is now available from all the usual sources, such as the TEI-C website and SourceForge. The debian packages and TEI-C XSL will be updated soon. This release introduces both textual and schema-related changes, mostly based on bug and feature request tickets submitted to SourceForge by the TEI community. If you notice anything that has changed in error, or want to submit additional changes, please do so on the website.


Calenda – Sources éditées : du texte à la structure, de la structure aux formes

Le consortium CAHIER organise un atelier Édition numérique : « Sources éditées : du texte à la structure, de la structure aux formes » qui se tiendra à la MRSH de Caen, du 9 au 13 juillet 2012. L’atelier envisagera, à partir de l’étude des cas concrets présentés par les participants, un ensemble de méthodes permettant d’une part la production de balisages TEI à partir de fichiers (Word, OpenOffice, InDesign…) destinés à la production d’une édition traditionnelle et, d’autre part, la production de formes éditées à partir de flux XML-TEI (PAO, web, ePub…).


Les standards ALTO/TEI/METS

Qu’est ce qu’ALTO ?
ALTO est un schéma XML. Il est issu du projet européen METAe où on s’est rendu compte qu’il n’existait aucun standard pour représenter des choses comme la mise en page physique d’un document, les positions des mots, etc.
A quoi sert-il ?
Il est utilisé pour stocker les informations sur la disposition et le contenu de n’importe quel document imprimé. Il est donc particulierement adapté pour représenter les resultats d’OCR. ALTO est aussi destiné à être utilisé pour l’élaboration d’un document METS.


xMod | Generic XML Scholarly Publishing Framework

xMod is an application framework which allows the transformation of a repository of TEI (or other, valid) XML into a finished static or dynamic website of conceivably any size. xMod also supports a number of other output formats, and can be used to generate print-ready output (ranging from simple PDFs to highly formatted camera-ready copy). The xMod framework provides a number of tools to support large-scale, multiuser editorial and publication processes and is designed to be run as a standalone, desktop application, or as a dynamic web application on a server (running in Apache Cocoon).


Philology in the Digital Age – 2011 Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting of the TEI Consortium

“The University of Würzburg with its Centre for Digital Editing in cooperation with the German Literature Archive Marbach and the international Programme Committe welcome you to the 2011 International Conference and Members’ Meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative. The program features keynote lectures by Edward Vanhoutte and Andrea Rapp, parallel sessions of papers and round table discussions, the annual TEI business meeting, a poster session/tools demonstration and slam, and special interest group (SIG) meetings.”

Tags: Controlling Whitespace, Part 1

“XML considers four characters to be whitespace: the carriage return, the linefeed, the tab, and the spacebar space. Microsoft operating systems put both a carriage return and a linefeed at the end of each line of a text file, and people usually refer to the combination as the “carriage return”. XSLT stylesheet developers often get frustrated over the whitespace that shows up in their result documents — sometimes there’s more than they wanted, sometimes there’s less, and sometimes it’s in the wrong place. Over the next few columns, we’ll discuss how XML and XSLT treat whitespace to gain a better understanding of what can happen, and we’ll look at some techniques for controlling how an XSLT processor adds whitespace to the result document.”
