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2010 International Symposium on Long-term Preservation of XML

Nearly everywhere, people who create, store, query, or serve XML expect it to live a very long time. XML is platform- and application-independent, and by and large it is platforms and applications that vanish. If by encoding information in XML we have freed it from dependency on specific platforms or applications, have we succeeded in ensuring that the XML can live long into the future?

ODFDOM 0.8.5 – The new Release of the OpenDocument Java Library – GullFOSS

The new version of ODFDOM – our Apache 2 licensed ODF library in Java has been released!
Aside of a more than a dozen patches there were two outstanding new features for the 0.8.5 release:

1. The support of all ODF templates. Nearly all document types of ODF 1.2 are now supported.
Only the support for Formula (MathML) and Database front end documents will follow later.

2. The new high level Presentation API for slide handling. An API supporting exchange of slides, copy and much more.

TEI @ Oxford Summer School 2010

The TEI @ Oxford Summer School is a three day course introducing the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for encoding of digital text. It combines in-depth coverage of the latest version of the TEI Recommendations for the encoding of digital text with practical workshops on related technologies. It includes an introduction to mark-up, explanations of the TEI Guidelines, and approaches to publishing TEI texts. Practical exercises expose you hands-on experience of a wide range of TEI customisation, editing, and publication.

EDItEUR : ONIX standards

The ONIX family includes standards for Books, Serials and Licensing Terms (including RROs).
All ONIX standards are designed to support computer-to-computer communication between parties involved in creating, distributing, licensing or otherwise making available intellectual property in published form, whether physical or digital. All are expressed in XML.